I was here!

In the past, people liked to bring home photos of “the country and the people” when they traveled, and at most had themselves photographed as a small figure in front of a famous monument. Today, the reason for the trip often seems to be self-portrayal alone: Look here, I am, I was here! Staged in front of the sight or as a “selfie”, the self-portrait with cell phone, the pictures are posted simultaneously on Facebook, Instagram or in the travel blog. Barbara Wolff observes tourists in Berlin in the summer of 2014 in their photo behavior. In the style of a photographic “free rider”, she analyzes the relationship of travelers to photography. With the proliferation of cell phones, tablets and digital cameras, picture taking is ubiquitous. Barbara Wolff’s particular choice of the neuralgic points of the formerly divided city of Berlin, i.e. the political traces of recent German history, as observation sites also bears witness to the way in which all historical traces ultimately mutate into a tourist backdrop.
Whoever finds himself here, I cordially ask (retrospectively) for permission to publish. I was not able to contact any of my depicted in retrospect. You may support my project and should contact me in any case!

2014. Exhibition Wegemuseum Wusterhausen / Dosse
